
Showing posts with the label 2025

Elon Made It Easier for Nazis to Express Themselves

The words "Nazi" and "Fascist" get used interchangeably a lot.  All Nazis are indeed fascists but not all fascists are Nazis.  In my experience, normally -not always but a lot of the time, when people call something a Nazi they mean it's fascist in nature.  There are different types of Nazis, There's the old kind, The New or "Neo "ones, along with probably other various types.  There's people who arrive at the beliefs in the image above out of pure hatred and bigotry and's mostly through misinformation. Then there's people who arrive there from corruption and happenstance.  Donald Trump in my opinion is not a Nazi. (Nothing about him I've learned says to me that he wants to put people in gas chambers.) He is however a fascist. A fascist out of a need to gain power instead of one that actually believes the most grotesque fundamental things. For example, Hitler gained power through populism manipulation so he could enact his hateful w...

The Crumbling of America as We Know It

No matter what you think about what is currently happening in our federal system it is clear that we are reverting back in time. Fundamental systems that once liberated Americans from unjust exploitation are being defunded, dismantled, and eradicated. The systems that Donald Trump and his appointees are tearing apart are just the start. Now here's where opinions will differ by party... This is not good. At all. These aren't reforms of the system, it's a complete crippling of some of the fundamental things that keep us Americans going. So many Americans have been fooled into thinking that the world we live in stands on different legs than it really does. It's easy to see government as just a tool for corruption with the money going towards bloated programs and that does exist but we must remember that with great-oversight the benefits these programs give us VASTLY outweigh the harm they do. MAGA has spent the last eight years working on poking bigger holes in the trust f...

The Importance Of Government Institutions

  Our entire modern world is held up by two kinds of institutions: private and governmental.  When looking at reach of the government, in the USA’s early years it was weak  especially by today's standards.  Over time private institutions grew while governmental ones stayed relatively the same.  This allowed private institutions to take advantage of the everyday person as industry in the United Stages grew. At the time politicians cared more about growing American industry than they did about the rights of the working and everyday people. It was eventually through democracy that governmental institutions grew and private ones became checked. It’s not a coincidence that as these institutions  have been built up that life has gotten better for the vast majority of people. Now don’t give me wrong, there’s a lot of really bad companies in pretty much every aspect of our economy.  Corporations  employ lobbyists that keep feeding corruption within our go...